Explore the Bible Study: Is Jesus Fully God?
5:34 PM
Jesus says to Peter, James, and John, "Boys, I want you to hike up to the top of this mountain with me." Obviously this is my paraphrase of Matthew 17:1, but I can imagine the three men looking at each other, possibly shrugging their shoulders, and thinking to themselves, "We've been walking so much already, and now He wants us to hike up this mountain? Does He ever get tired? But, we said we would follow Him, so follow Him we will." They never imagined the drama that would unfold at the top of that mountain! LifeWay's Explore the Bible study: Is Jesus Fully God? invites us to that mountain top, along with Peter, James and John, so that we too might come to understand more fully, as they did, the reality that Jesus is fully God!
It might be that you are tired, and you keep wondering where this path of following Jesus is going to lead. Many in your group might be questioning if following Jesus is really the right path, too. They might have trouble grasping the reality that Jesus is fully God. All along the way Jesus takes us down trails and up mountains that continually challenge us. If we continue to follow, we will not only gain strength for the journey,but, most importantly, we will come to know Jesus like never before. If we are following Him, we must continually allow Him to teach us about Himself. This is the path of discipleship!
Below are some resources you could use to supplement your study. You can download a complete teaching plan at the end of the blog post.
Passage Overview
Provides commentary and contextual helps. Provided by the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. CLICK TO VIEW
Music Options
There are two music options you might want to consider using.
- Listen to Him by Acapella. Use to supplement the passages, Matthew 17:1-6 - CLICK TO LISTEN
- Jesus by Chris Tomlin. Use as a part of the closing challenge. - See video below.